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Getting Ready for the Game -AL

Writer's picture: Belle MuerteBelle Muerte

We joined the AL Discord channel for the game. Found the area for Fantasy Grounds users and the place with the "room" we will be in. Now to prepare for the game.

(from Announcements on Discord)

Character Creation Guidance for D&D Celebration

🧒 WBW-PR Lost Things

Character creation for this 2-hour prelude adventure has you build a younger version of the character you intend to play at The Witchlight Carnival (you do not need to play The Witchlight Carnival to play this adventure) at the table. Due to the time-constraints we would ask that you come to the table with the following character choices already made:

• Race or Lineage - This includes the races from any approved source in the Forgotten Realms ALPG, including the new races in the Wild Beyond the Witchlight hardcover, as well as Custom Lineages as presented in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. More details on allowed sources are in FAQ

• One skill that your character is proficient in.

• One trinket that is special to or beloved by your character. You may select the trinket from the table in the PHB/Basic Rules, or the Feywild Trinkets table in Wild Beyond the Witchlight.

Having these choices pre-made will help speed up game setup and make for a smoother play experience for everyone. The rest of character creation will be done at the table.

Not much to get ready. I did purchase The Wild Beyond The Witchlight on Fantasy Grounds, so I would have the trinket table. That was not the only reason, but that will be for another time.

1. Race- Fairies and the rabbit-like Harengon are the new races. Oh, that is easy, I will be a fairy. What little girl did not dream of being a fairy and flitting around.

2. Skill- Well, we all know I will be some sort of rogue, so investigate is my skill choice.

3. Trinket- Do I roll on the table for the trinket or choose? I rolled. I have an one inch square painting of a sleeping elf. There were some cooler items, but a roll is a roll.

Now to get an idea for my character. Who is she? I enjoy taking inspiration from literature. Time to enter "famous fairies in literature" into a Google search.

*Puck (A Midsummer Night’s Dream, by William Shakespeare) I actually played this role in a production. Been there, done that.

*Morgan le Fay (Le Morte D’Arthur, by Sir Thomas Mallory) Not wanting to play her. She is a bit too dark. am trying to stay away from the more evil types.

*The Fairy Godmother (Cinderella, by Charles Perrault) Not her either, she is too nice.

*Tinker Bell (Peter Pan, J.M. Barrie) Yes, just right for me.

What fairy is more iconic than Tinker Bell? Yes, the bratty little rogue herself will be the basis of my character. Wait, I think I have a Tinkerbell costume somewhere...

Time for a name. Fortunately, this name will be easy to do. My middle name is Belle and I use it in every character's name that I play. I use a translation program to help with the process. The tinkering bell in French is La cloche de bricoler. Bricoler Cloche is her name. (bree-co-lee closh)

The rest will need to be done prior to the game. This is a good start. I enjoyed what I saw in the new D&D The Wild Beyond The Witchlight. I am getting excited about this Saturday's game. Look out AL, here we come.

Wait, you want to know what Lome is playing? Well, she will be a Gnome Bard named Lilbi (Singsalot) Rubyforger. Her trinket is a child's parasol covered in moss and leaves. Skill is yet to be chosen. Below is a drawing Lome did of her new character, Lilbi. I know, she is so talented.

(on Discord a note from the DM)

DM Andrew—

Hey guys! I will be your DM for this slot of DnD Celebration. I am very much looking forward to running with you guys and I just wanted to cover some things before the real fun begins.

1. This session is being run on Fantasy Grounds Unity, I will provide an IP address and password when we get closer to game time. If you are unfamiliar with FGU, all you need to do is download the free demo version and I can help you from there, just be sure to drop in ahead of time so we can get it worked out.

2. Feel free to introduce yourself in the chat here so you can get to know the other players and so that I can get to know you fine people.

3. If you have any questions please feel free to drop me a private message or just post it right here and I will do my best to get back to you in a timely fashion.


We plan to have fun!

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Belle Muerte

Streamer, Roleplayer, Blogger

Fantasy Grounds
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